Capt Jordan Hayes |
By Lt Col Juan Tinnirello, CAP (and
Deputy Commander Capt Jordan Hayes welcomed everyone and
invited Lt Col Juan Tinnirello to lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Commander Maj Rivas was in San Francisco, caring for his father in the
We had three visitors: Scott Booth from the Maryland Wing, Mr.
Terry Baldwin and Mr. Clinton Carter a friend of Lt Bob Adams.
We also had a guest, Mr. Jon Prater, FAA Safety Team, who conducted a program about Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM) and Single (Pilot)
Resource Management (SRM). This program covered our regular Safety Education portion of the meeting
and it was moved to the beginning of the meeting, to facilitate Mr. Prater's departure, after a long day of regular work.
Mr. Jon Prater |
Capt Hayes presented a Squadron 188 patch to Mr. Prater, as a
token of appreciation for his valuable presentation.
Capt Hayes commented on the Squadron's Events for January.
- 9 Jan: G1000 ground school conducted by Capt Michelogiannakis.
- 16-17 Jan: Mission Scanner School by Maj DeFord.
- 30 Jan: Group 2 Banquet, awards from Wing Conference, plus Maj DeFord received a CAP Achievement Award and 1st Lt Choate received a Commander’s Commendation.
Maj Luneau, Imperial
Valley (IPL).
26 Jan: 16-T-4226 Western Air Defense Sector (WADS) Felix
Keynote, Maj Luneau.
28 Jan-2 Feb: 16-T-4261 Super Bowl VIP/Outreach Maj Fridell
and Luneau, Capt Brown, Cao, Hayes and Rivas, Lt Choate, Hipp, Hollerbach and
Services (ES) Ratings:
Transport Mission Pilot (TMP) Maj Fridell.
CD Renewal, Maj DeFord and Capt Hayes.
Capt Wilson, Glider Check Pilot Examiner.
SM Wayne, General Emergency Services (GES).
Aircraft usage: 32.1 hrs. Glider Usage: 3 Form 5 (F5) last
weekend and tow pilot training, Lt Gast, Capt Wilson. Vehicle usage: 154
miles. Aerospace Education: Lt Bitz will conduct a class 16 Feb at the
Maj Luneau receiving HLS ribbon from Cap Hayes |
A big THANK YOU to Maj Luneau, Lts Rugroden and Stevulak for repairing the men’s restroom.
3 Feb:
Western Air Defense Sector (WADS) Falcon Virgo mission plus media event.
SM James Weeks receiving Level 1 ribbon from Capt Hayes |
13 Feb:
Airborne Public Address System (APAS) Workshop at Gnoss Field.
19-21 Feb:
Group 2 IPL.
27-28 Feb:
Mission Scanner, Search & Rescue (SAREX) at OAK, Maj DeFord.
26-27 Mar:
Check Pilot School, Capt Michelogiannakis.
Maj Luneau:
Home Land Security Ribbon (HLS), (10 sorties); 1st Silver clasp/CD
(68 sorties); Air Search & Rescue (AS&R) 3rd Bronze/1st Silver (90
Senior Member
(SM) James Weeks: Level 1 Membership Award.
Lt Cao (duty performance), to Capt.
Lt Gast (Mission Related Skill: Glider (CFI) to Capt.
Twenty seven people attended the meeting that ended at 21:05 hrs.