By 1st Lt Karin Hollerbach, photos by Capt Katherine Brown and SM Alexei Roudnev
Congratulations Capt Stevulak,on your promotion! |
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Capt Jordan Hayes.
Several new members and guests were present, and we want to extend a warm welcome to all of them, especially new members SM Kyle Dercacz and Terry Baldwin.
Congratulations SM Dercacz on completing
your Level One! |
Safety Presentation
Topic of this month's safety presentation |
This month’s Safety Presentation was presented by Joshua Cawthra, an NTSB accident investigator.
Joshua Cawthra and Capt Rivas |
Squadron Monthly Recap
Capt Fenolio describing CAP Legislative Day |
Attentive members! |
- 13-Feb: APAS Workshop, Gnoss Field (including participation by Capts Hayes, Georgios Michelogiannakis Doug Perreira)
- 13-Feb: Modesto Pancake Breakfast Fly-in (including participation by Capt Don Eichelberger, Lt Alexei Roudnev)
- 14-Feb: CAP/RAF Air Cadets joint Communications Exercise (including participation by Maj Chris Johnson and Capt Hayes)
- 20-Feb: Squadron Spruce Up (with great thanks to Lt Col Juan Tinnirello; Capts Katherine Brown, Hayes, Lou Rivas; 1st Lts Hipp, Kraus, Stevulak; and SM Derkacz)
- 22-26: Feb CAP Legislative Day @ Washington DC + SCOTUS (Capt Chris Fenolio)
- 23-Feb: Advanced G1000/SAR Techniques @ OAK (led by Capt Michelogiannakis and Lt Eric Choate)
- 25-Feb: Presentation to folks at Camp Parks, US Army Reserve about CAP (Capt Hayes)
- 27-28: Feb NorCal Basic SAREX @ OAK (Project Officer Maj Steven DeFord)
Capt Brown |
- 3-Feb: in support of the USAF, with participation by Lt Col Tinnirello (MRO); Maj Mark Fridell (MS), Capt Jeff Ironfield (MP), Maj Noel Luneau (MP); Capt Hayes (MO), Capt Michelogiannakis (MP), Capt Perreira (MSA), Lt Choate (MO), SM Roudnev (MSA), and SM Wayne (MS)
- 3-Feb: Base & Media Day & OAK – separate blog coming, see also our squadron’s Facebook page
- 19-21 Feb: in support of homeland security, with participation by Maj Johnson/C, Maj Johnson/K; 1st Lt Choate, 1st Lt Hollerbach
Classroom |