Tuesday, March 8, 2016

All Hands Meeting, March 2016

By 1st Lt Karin Hollerbach, photos by Capt Katherine Brown and SM Alexei Roudnev

Congratulations Capt Stevulak,on your promotion!
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Capt Jordan Hayes.

Several new members and guests were present, and we want to extend a warm welcome to all of them, especially new members SM Kyle Dercacz and Terry Baldwin.

Congratulations SM Dercacz on completing
your Level One!

Safety Presentation

Topic of this month's safety presentation
This month’s Safety Presentation was presented by Joshua Cawthra, an NTSB accident investigator.

Joshua Cawthra and Capt Rivas

Squadron Monthly Recap
Capt Fenolio describing CAP Legislative Day
Attentive members!

  • 13-Feb:  APAS Workshop, Gnoss Field (including participation by Capts Hayes, Georgios Michelogiannakis  Doug Perreira)
  • 13-Feb: Modesto Pancake Breakfast Fly-in (including participation by Capt Don Eichelberger, Lt Alexei Roudnev)
  • 14-Feb: CAP/RAF Air Cadets joint Communications Exercise (including participation by Maj Chris Johnson and Capt Hayes)
  • 20-Feb: Squadron Spruce Up (with great thanks to Lt Col Juan Tinnirello; Capts Katherine Brown, Hayes, Lou Rivas; 1st Lts Hipp,  Kraus, Stevulak; and SM Derkacz)
  • 22-26: Feb CAP Legislative Day @ Washington DC + SCOTUS (Capt Chris Fenolio)
  • 23-Feb: Advanced G1000/SAR Techniques @ OAK (led by Capt Michelogiannakis and Lt Eric Choate)
  • 25-Feb: Presentation to folks at Camp Parks, US Army Reserve about CAP (Capt Hayes)
  • 27-28: Feb NorCal Basic SAREX @ OAK (Project Officer Maj Steven DeFord)

Capt Brown

  • 3-Feb: in support of the USAF, with participation by Lt Col Tinnirello (MRO); Maj Mark Fridell (MS), Capt Jeff Ironfield (MP), Maj Noel Luneau (MP); Capt Hayes (MO), Capt Michelogiannakis (MP), Capt Perreira (MSA), Lt Choate (MO), SM Roudnev (MSA), and SM Wayne (MS)
  • 3-Feb: Base & Media Day & OAK – separate blog coming, see also our squadron’s Facebook page  
  • 19-21 Feb: in support of homeland security, with participation by Maj Johnson/C, Maj Johnson/K; 1st Lt Choate, 1st Lt Hollerbach
