Members of Squadron 188 (and guests) at the start of the All Hands Meeting |
Arizona Wing participated in a training mission over the Super Bowl Stadium
- In an exercise on how to keep unwanted aircraft away, CAP planes simulated a plane under stress or duress. Congratulations to Arizona Wing members on participating in this important mission.
Squadron Recap
- Members of Squadron 188 participated in a CAWG Comm Exercises in January.
- Lt Matthew Gast organized a Glider Day at Byron Airport for Senior members.
- Maj Noel Luneau and Lt Hollerbach participated in an ALNOT mission in Southern California.
Upcoming Events
- Feb 7-8 Oakland: SAREX Ground School – training for Base Staff, Aircrew (Mission Scanner), and Urban Direction Finding (UDF) and Ground Teams (GT)
- Feb 21-22 Concord: Group 2/5 SAREX
- 7 or 8 Mar: Gliders at Byron “Open House” plus BBQ
- 11 Apr Oakland: Advanced Communications Training 9am-3pm.
Emergency Services (ES) Ratings & Specialty Tracks
1st Lt Jordan Hayes, having completed his Level II, with Capt Lou Rivas |
- Capt Michelogiannakis completed ICS-300 and AOBD
- 1st Lt Robert Kraus renewed his F5 plus added an Instrument Endorsement (making a total 11 CAP pilots in our squadron, including 4 instrument rated)
- Lt Gast completed ICS-300
- Lt Col Tinnirello and 1st Lt Alvaro Chavez renewed their Mission Radio Operator (MRO) rating during the recent Comm Exercise
- Lt Choate and Lt Gast completed the Technician rating in Communications
- Lt Hollerbach completed the Technician rating in Public Affairs
Lt Gast and Lt Choate receiving their promotions. Pictured left to right: 2d Lt Terence Wilson, Lt Gast, Capt Georgios Michelogiannakis, Lt Choate, Capt Chris Fenolio. |
Promotions & Awards
- 2d Lt Eric Choate, 2d Lt Matthew Gast, and 2d Lt Karin Hollerbach were promoted to 1st Lt, effective in January.
- Lt Jordan Hayes and Lt Gast completed Level II
- Lt Choate, Lt Gast, Lt Hollerbach received Leadership Ribbons for their first Technician ratings
- Capt Chris Fenolio and SM Smith received the Yeager Award
Capt Chris Fenolio and Capt Lou Rivas |