Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 2015 All Hands Meeting

By 1st Lt Karin Hollerbach, photos by Lt Col Juan Tinnirello

Members of Squadron 188 (and guests) at the start of the All Hands Meeting
Wing Announcements 
Arizona Wing participated in a training mission over the Super Bowl Stadium
  • In an exercise on how to keep unwanted aircraft away, CAP planes simulated a plane under stress or duress.  Congratulations to Arizona Wing members on participating in this important mission.

Squadron Recap
  • Members of Squadron 188 participated in a CAWG Comm Exercises in January.
  • Lt Matthew Gast organized a Glider Day at Byron Airport for Senior members.
  • Maj Noel Luneau and Lt Hollerbach participated in an ALNOT mission in Southern California.

Upcoming Events
  • Feb 7-8 Oakland: SAREX Ground School – training for Base Staff, Aircrew (Mission Scanner), and Urban Direction Finding (UDF) and Ground Teams (GT)
  • Feb 21-22 Concord: Group 2/5 SAREX
  • 7 or 8 Mar: Gliders at Byron “Open House” plus BBQ
  • 11 Apr Oakland: Advanced Communications Training 9am-3pm.

Emergency Services (ES) Ratings & Specialty Tracks
1st Lt Jordan Hayes, having completed his Level II,
with Capt Lou Rivas
  • Capt Michelogiannakis completed ICS-300 and AOBD
  • 1st Lt Robert Kraus renewed his F5 plus added an Instrument Endorsement (making a total 11 CAP pilots in our squadron, including 4 instrument rated)
  • Lt Gast completed ICS-300
  • Lt Col Tinnirello and 1st Lt Alvaro Chavez renewed their Mission Radio Operator (MRO) rating during the recent Comm Exercise
  • Lt Choate and Lt Gast completed the Technician rating in Communications
  • Lt Hollerbach completed the Technician rating in Public Affairs

Lt Gast and Lt Choate receiving their promotions.  Pictured left to right: 2d Lt Terence Wilson, Lt Gast, Capt Georgios Michelogiannakis, Lt Choate, Capt Chris Fenolio. 

Promotions & Awards
  • 2d Lt Eric Choate, 2d Lt Matthew Gast, and 2d Lt Karin Hollerbach were promoted to 1st Lt, effective in January.
  • Lt Jordan Hayes and Lt Gast completed Level II 
  • Lt Choate, Lt Gast, Lt Hollerbach received Leadership Ribbons for their first Technician ratings
  • Capt Chris Fenolio and SM Smith received the Yeager Award

Capt Chris Fenolio and Capt Lou Rivas
Congratulations to all and welcome to the prospective new members that visited our squadron this month.