By Lt Col Juan Tinnirello (including pictures)
The meeting started at 19:30 hrs. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Lt Col Juan Tinnirello. Squadron Commander Capt Luis Rivas welcomed everyone, including Group 2 Commander Lt Col Brett Dolnick who came to make a special presentation to one of our members. Maj Noel Luneau introduced David Thorson, ex Royal Canadian Air Cadet, non-current glider pilot, who plans to join Squadron 188.
David Thorson, introducing himself. |
Capt Rivas commented that last month was a very busy month for the members of this unit. Maj Steve DeFord attended National Inland SAR Planning Course and Maj DeFord and Maj Chris Johnson attended the Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) Mission Manager Course at Sq. 188.
During November, there were two missions where our squadron participated.
2d Lt Eric Choate |
14-M-0571A 08-Nov. Search and Rescue Notice (ALNOT) at Gilroy: Distress find: Mission Pilot 2d Lt Eric Choate; Mission Observer Capt. Doug Perreira flying CAP445. 2d Lt Choate made some comments about this mission and a round table discussion will take place 16 Dec.
14-M-0594 22-Nov. Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) at Santa Rosa. Non-Distress finds: Mission Pilot 1st Lt Gene Rugroden flying CAP 445; Mission Observer Maj Chris Johnson; Mission Scanner Maj Kathy Johnson.
Maj Chris Johnson renewed UDF and 2d Lt Terence Wilson earned his Glider Check Pilot endorsement on Form 5.
Maj Kathy Johnson completed the Technician level on the Public Affairs Specialty Track.
1s Lt Pat Bitz |
1s Lt Bitz talk about the Wreaths Across America event, remembering our heroes that are buried at the San Bruno National Cemetery. He invited us to go there and participate in the moving ceremony that will take place 13-Dec. at 9:00 AM. This year, unfortunately, we did not have as many sponsors as last year, so the amount of money donated to our squadron will be reduced to less than a third of the over $1,200 we received last year. This will place a big dent on our budget for this fiscal year.
Also, 1st Lt Bitz suggested that we have one minute of Aerospace Education at every “All Hands” meeting to instruct everybody attending. This Month 1s Lt Jordan Hayes volunteer and he presented a series of event that took place on 2 Dec in different years, as follows:
4 Launches of the space shuttle:
- 1988: Atlantis as STS-27 (landed in Edwards AFB)
- 1990: Columbia as STS-35 (landed in Edwards AFB)
- 1992: Discovery as STS-53 (landed at Edwards AFB)
- 1993: Endeavor as STS-61 (fixed the Hubble telescope)
- 1939: La Guardia airport opens
Anyone willing to volunteer for next month's presentation?
The van was driven 14 miles last month with a total of 13,993 for this year so far. CAP 445 was flown 20.6 hours versus the expected 17 for Nov.
New Group 2 Duty Positions: Maj Jeff Ironfield (Operations Officer); Maj Steve DeFord (Emergency Services Officer); Maj Kathy Johnson (Public Affairs Officer) [total 10 Group positions; 5 Wing positions from our squadron]
Capt. Rivas and 2d Lt Tim Roberts |
More awards:
Capt. Rivas and 1s Lt Choate
2d Lt Eric Choate and Capt Doug Perreira: bronze clasp for Find Ribbon (normally 20 non-distress finds)
2d Lt Tim Roberts: YEAGER Award
Maj Noel Luneau: Silver clasp for Air Search & Rescue Ribbon (over 60 sorties) [FROM NOVEMBER]
Maj Jeff Ironfield: ES Patch [from long ago]
Capt Rivas and 2d Lt Terence Wilson |
2d Lt Terence Wilson: GLIDER PILOT RATING [from long ago]
Capt Rivas and Maj Luneau |
Other Business
Coming up, we have the Aerospace Education class 9 Dec, Mission round table on 16 Dec
plus food and drinks. This will be the last meeting for this year. The squadron will be dark until 6 Jan 2015, our “All Hands“ meeting.
Our squadron is tasked with the WMAO (Wing Mission Alert Officer) job between 15-19 Dec. Anyone able to volunteer for one day or portion of it, please contact 1s Lt Jordan Hayes.
Lt Col Brett Dolnick and Capt. George Michelogiannakis |
1st Lt Jordan Hayes |
Commander Rivas invited our Group 2 Commander Lt Col Brett Dolnick to present a special award. The Commander’s Commendation went to Capt George Michelogiannakis for the many achievements accomplished since he became a member of Sq. 188 over a years ago.
Safety Presentation
For the Safety portion of the meeting 1s Lt Jordan Hayes had a series of answers that people had to tell the question related to it. It was done as a game, with questions worth $$ based on the complexity,
Sq. 188 Safety Jeopardy. The audience was divided in two, the right side and the left side. It was very instructive for the fact that you had to describe the event, form etc. that will required the answer read by Jordan. It was difficult and very instructive in how much there is to learn.
The meeting ended at 21:05 hrs.