Thursday, November 17, 2016

2016 CAWG Wing Education Conference in Bakersfield

By 1st Lt Karin Hollerbach, photos by Lt Col Juan Tinnirello

On 4-6 November, CAWG held its annual California Wing Education Conference in Bakersfield. Participants from Squadron 188 included:

  • Lt Col Tinnirello
  • Maj Jeff Ironfield
  • Maj Noel Luneau
  • Maj Maggie Wang
  • Maj Steven DeFord
  • Capt Lou Rivas
  • Capt Jordan Hayes
  • Capt Kathy Brown
  • Capt Doug Perreira
  • Capt Don Eichelberger
  • Capt Georgios Michelogiannakis
  • 1st Lt Pat Bitz
  • 1st Lt Eric Choate

Many thanks to the following Squadron 188 members for taking a leadership role and giving presentations at the conference:

  • Lt Choate and Capt Michelogiannakis - on the Universal Method (Advanced SAR Techniques) - an alternate technique for using any GPS to plan and fly search patterns using a single waypoint in most cases. 
  • Capt Eichelberger (together with Maj Marc Sobel and Capt Michael Sullivan) - on Setting up the Garmin VRB and a second one on Overview of AP Capabilities and Training Opportunities 
  • Lt Bitz - aerospace education presentation on CAP Goes to Mars - introducing several of the technical and social challenges involved in sending a human crew to Mars for a one-month visit. 
  • Capt Hayes - on Communications for all CAP Communicators
  • Capt Ironfield - led a Stan / Eval and Check Pilot Meeting

And congratulations again to all Squadron 188 and Group 2 members for their CAWG awards this year!  Click here for details!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Group 2 Advanced Communications Training on 12 November 2016

By 1st Lt Karin Hollerbach, with photos by Lt Col Juan Tinnirello, Lt Hollerbach and 2nd Lt Alexei Roudnev

Captain Jordan Hayes, from Squadron 188, and Captain George Gadd, from Squadron 80, led an advanced communications class for Group 2 on 12 November 2016, held at Hayward airport (HWD).

Class participants arriving before the start of class at HWD, photo by Lt Roudnev

The primary focus of this class was HF radios, but we also spent some time discussing recent changes to the CAP communications regulations and general communications topics.
Getting set up for class (Capt Hayes, center background, and
Capt Gadd, right), photo by Lt Roudnev

Participation was from throughout most of Group 2 and included Squadrons 188 (Oakland), 10 (Palo Alto), 13 (Watsonville), 80 (San Jose - seniors), 36 (San Jose - cadets), and 44 (Concord).

Squadron 188 members that participated included:

  • Lt Col Tinnirello
  • Maj Maggie Wang
  • Capt Hayes (instructor)
  • Capt Don Eichelberger
  • 1st Lt Al Chavez
  • 1st Lt Hollerbach 
  • 2d Lt Scott Booth
  • 2d Lt Alexei Roudnev
  • Capt Hayes, leading the classroom
    discussion, photo by Lt Col Tinnirello
  • 2d Lt Tim Roberts

If you weren’t there, you missed a really great class, with excellent classroom instruction as well as show-and-tell with our HF and other radio and communications equipment.

Capt Hayes discussing HF radios with cadets and senior
members, photo by Lt Col Tinnirello

Demonstrating use of some of the portable communications
equipment, photo by Lt Hollerbach

Topics included:

  • Challenges facing communicators when infrastructure breaks down
  • Formal message passing
  • HF radios
  • Relays and repeaters
  • Portable equipment
  • Basics of radio wave propagation and antennas
  • Sources of interference, natural and man-made
  • National and regional nets
  • ALE

For additional training, see the learning management system for modules on generators, repeaters, relays, multi-net operations, base operations, and other topics.

Capt Hayes demonstrating the use of an InReach,
photo by Lt Roudnev
If you’re a Mission Observer (MO) and want some additional communications training, please see upcoming announcements for a communications-intensive advanced MO training early next year.

For all of you communicators out there, please join us at Constant Watch 2017 in the spring (more info to follow).

Capt Hayes operating one of the HF radios,
photo by Lt Hollerbach
Thanks to Capts Hayes and Gadd for making this training happen and to all participants for your dedication to increasing Group 2's communications capabilities.
What is so fascinating over there, that everyone is staring off to the left? It's an HF antenna! photo by Lt Hollerbach

CAP vehicle used by ground teams, with portable communications equipment, photo by Lt Roudnev

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

November 2016 All Hands Meeting

By 1st Lt Karin Hollerbach and Lt Col Juan Tinnirello, photos by Lt Col Tinnirello

Capt Jordan Hayes welcomed everyone and conducted the meeting.  After the Pledge of Allegiance led by Lt Col Tinnirello, Capt Hayes introduced our guest speaker, Jon Vanerwegen, Chief Pilot for the Oakland Police Department, Helicopter Unit.  

Squadron 188 Members and Guests
Also visiting was Dean Richardson, Assistant Director of CAP-USAF Operations-Pacific Region Liaison.  He came to visit us to see our squadron, in order to become familiar with all the units in California and Nevada under his responsibility.

Kent Hopkins (Michigan Wing)
Asst Director of CAP-USAF
Operations - Pacific Region

A warm welcome also to new member, 2d Lt Jim Savino, who is coming to us from Grand Rapids Michigan, and to two additional guests, Robert Campbell and Kent Hopkins.

Safety Update: Special Presentation by Oakland PD

Jon Vanerwegen, Chief Pilot for the
OPD Helicopter Unit
Mr. Vanerwegen talked about the OPD Helicopter Unit. His explanation of the equipment and the involvement within the daily activity was excellent and kept the audience very connected to his talk.  There were many questions and answers, and we could have listened to him for another couple of hours. If you were not at the meeting, you missed a superb presentation that provided a very good picture of the helicopter unit doing police work.  

Squadron Monthly Recap

Promotions and Awards
Congratulations to
  • SM Baldwin and SM Forenza for their promotions to 2d Lt
  • Maj DeFord for his 1st Bronze Clasp for AS&R Ribbon
  • 1st Lt Choate for his Recruiter Ribbon (7 members)
  • Lt Fall receiving a ribbon
    from Capt Hayes
  • 1st Lt Fall for his Unit Citation Ribbon and 5 year Red Ribbon 
Lt Baldwin receiving his epaulets from his wife
and from Maj Fridell

Newly promoted Lts Forenza and Baldwin
with Capt Hayes (center)

Maj DeFord receiving an award
from Capt Hayes

Professional Development and New / Renewed ES Ratings
Further congratulations to the following members:
  • Maj Fridell for his F91 – welcome, new Mission Pilot (we now have 10 total in our squadron)
  • Capt Michelogiannakis – welcome, new Tow Pilot (now 3 in our squadron!)
  • 2d Lt Roberts for completing the Squadron Leadership School (SLS)
Lt Choate receiving an award
from Capt Hayes

In October, Squadron 188 supported the following missions:
  • 16-Oct Missing Aircraft – participation by Lt Col Tinnirello: MRO; Maj Johnson/C, Luneau; Capt Michelogiannakis: MP; 1st Lts Choate, Hollerbach: MO; click here for an earlier press release related to this mission
  • 20-Oct SCCSO SAREX – participation by Maj DeFord: OSC)
  • 30-Oct National Comm Exercise – participation by Maj Johnson/C, Capt Hayes
1st Lt Bob Adams talking
about the squadron van

Recent Events 
  • 16 Oct: Hayward Open House

Aerospace Moment

1st Lt Pat Bitz did a presentation about the fact that the International Space Station (ISS) has been there for 18 years.  Click here to see a NASA video about the ISS. 

 Coming up 
  • 4-6 Nov: California Wing (CAWG) Education Conference, Bakersfield
  • 8 Nov: no meeting on election night – please go vote 
  • 12 Nov: Group 2 Advanced Communications Course @ HWD or OAK (please contact Capt Hayes for more information)
  • 13 Dec: Squadron 188 holiday party 
  • 17 Dec: Wreaths Across America – please click here to read about last year’s WAA events and click here to make a donation of wreaths to honor veterans in your local area