Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 2016 O'Rides for Cadets

Photo Essay by Lt Alexei Roudnev

Ready, on the ramp.
Eight cadets from San Jose get their first (or second ride in a small airplane.  We flew from CCR to RHV first.

At CCR before the flight.

These are not just entertainment flights: Cadets learn about checklists and pre-flight checks. 

Cadets participating in the pre-flight with Lt Eric Choate.

We check the exact amount of fuel before each flight.

Lt Michael Gross is our second o-ride pilot.

Just being in the cockpit is a lot of fun!

Cadets have the opportunity to try the controls (at a safe altitude, of course).

CAP headquarters at RHV.

Taking off.

Just returning from one of the flights.

O-rides follow a syllabus and are teaching flights.  Each cadet is entitled to 5 different flights, with 5 different things to learn, from basic aircraft controls to weather.

A beautiful day for flying.

Parents watching their cadets/kids.  We keep them safely positioned

Last flight: Lt Choate, cadets, and their parents. Everyone is excited.

O-Rides are a very important part of CAP activities.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Thanks to all who helped tame the jungle in the "back 40" !

By Capt Louis Rivas, photos by Capt Rivas and Lt Roudnev

Fellow members, 

I am happy to report the jungle of overgrown grass that seemed to have exploded in the back 40 overnight has been tamed! A great big thank you to Capt Hayes, Maj Fridell, Lt Roudnev, SM Baldwin for their raking, weed whacking and bagging efforts. 

A great big shout out to my uncle Eddie Pacheco who supplied the powerful brush mower I used to mow down grass that was 3ft tall in some places. We couldn't have done it without a mower such as the one he brought.

I don't recall ever seeing the grass grow this tall and the taller it is the tougher it is to cut. Lesson learned. 

Thanks again to all who helped restore the back 40 to its usual splendor.

Capt Rivas before starting the operation.
Capt Rivas after the operation.