Photo Essay by Lt Alexei Roudnev
Ready, on the ramp. |
Eight cadets from San Jose get their first (or second ride in a small airplane. We flew from CCR to RHV first.
At CCR before the flight. |
These are not just entertainment flights: Cadets learn about checklists and pre-flight checks.
Cadets participating in the pre-flight with Lt Eric Choate. |
We check the exact amount of fuel before each flight. |
Lt Michael Gross is our second o-ride pilot. |
Just being in the cockpit is a lot of fun! |
Cadets have the opportunity to try the controls (at a safe altitude, of course). |
CAP headquarters at RHV. |
Taking off. |
Just returning from one of the flights. |
O-rides follow a syllabus and are teaching flights. Each cadet is entitled to 5 different flights, with 5 different things to learn, from basic aircraft controls to weather.
A beautiful day for flying. |
Parents watching their cadets/kids. We keep them safely positioned |
Last flight: Lt Choate, cadets, and their parents. Everyone is excited. |
O-Rides are a very important part of CAP activities.
Great job...a good opportunity for cadets to be introduced to flying.