Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nov 5, 2013 “All Hands” Meeting & Special Presentation

By Lt Col Juan Tinnirello, PAO

Lt Col. Juan Tinnirello and Maj. Steve
Renwick, Group 2 Commander
During this monthly meeting the following awards and Emergency Services Ratings were given to members of Amelia Earhart Senior Squadron 188.

Commander’s Commendation Award
Capt. Luis Rivas, 1Lt Gene Rugroden, Lt Col Juan Tinnirello.
Capt. Luis Rivas and 1Lt Gene Rugroden

Achievement Award
The Civil Air Patrol’s Achievement Award is given to a member when the circumstances of his or her performance are above and beyond those of the member’s peers.
2 Lt Robert Adams, Capt. Don Eichelberger, 2Lt Gabriel Fletcher-Hernandez, Lt Col Roger Glenn, 1Lt Jordan Hayes, 1Lt James Hipp, 2Lt Kenton Hoover, Capt. Chris Johnson, Capt. Kathy Johnson, 2Lt John Stevulak.

Certificate of recognition for Lifesaving
The Certificate of Lifesaving is awarded to members of the Civil Air patrol who save a human life.
Capt. Chris Johnson, Capt. Kathy Johnson, Capt. Jeff Ironfield,
Maj. Steve Renwick, Group 2 Commander
Capt. Jeff Ironfield, Capt. Chris Johnson, Capt. Kathy Johnson.

Level III- Grover C. Loening Award
The Grover Loening Award is given to CAP members who completed Level III of the Senior Member Professional Development program. It recognizes those members who have dedicated themselves to leadership and personal development in the CAP. The award is named for the aerospace manufacturer Grover Cleveland Loening.
Capt. Stephen Deford.

Charles E. 'Chuck' Yeager Aerospace Education Achievement Award
Seniors participating in the Aerospace Education Program for Senior Members (AEPSM) earn this award.
Capt. Yudis Coreas, SM Dan Lunsford.

Red Service Award
Awarded at the end of two years to members in good standing.
1Lt. James Hipp - 20 years, 2Lt Gregory Gai - 2 years.

Emergency Services Badge
1Lt Rex Beach, 1Lt Pat Bitz, 1Lt Gene Rugroden, SM Dan Lasford, 2Lt Adam Kelly, 1Lt Al Chavez, 2Lt Gabriel Fletcher-Hernandez, 2Lt Robert Adams, 1Lt Georgios Michelogiannakis.

1Lt Georgios Michelogiannakis, Maj Frank Riebli.

2Lt John Stevulak.

Group 2 Officer of the Year
Lt Col Juan Tinnirello

Special Presentation by Brian Brown
Capt. Brian Brown and his wife, Jayann
During the meeting Capt. Brian Brown, a member of the Consumnes Fire Department, related his 1966 model Cessna 172 trip on Memorial Day weekend.  His wife and younger daughter were on the trip to visit the older daughter in Iowa.  As it happens many times, the weather forecast was not as accurate as described and they were forced to make an unplanned stop at an airport 50 minutes away from the destination.  After they looked and believed the front had passed, they resumed the trip, but not too long later they found themselves surrounded by bad weather and forced to lower the altitude to see if they could find a way through.

Suddenly they were pushed by down drafts and hit a tree with the wing tip and then the ground very violently.  Miraculously, they survived the crash, but the following 15 hours of danger and rescue efforts were very dramatic. Finally, the rescue team reached them and they were taken from the mountain to a hospital.

Capt. Brian Brown and Maj Noel Luneau, Squadron 188 Commander
They wrote a book, called “Rescued” where all the details are recorded about this amazing story of a crash that could have been fatal, but they survived.

Thank you Capt. Brian Brown for sharing your amazing story and having your wife with you to participate in the recollection of the events.

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